Friday, September 19, 2008



I had a great birthday! I had work from 9-12 on my birthday and class from 1230-930, but after that we celebrated quite well :)
Here are some pictures. The ones that are obviously not from my birthday are from my friend Mark's house. He lives on a farm and we went there this weekend.

Mark guiding me in shooting pop cans. Dont worry, we were very safe :)

Some of the boys..My favorite drink and my favorite cereal :)

Out in the country

Some of the girls!Overall, I had a really good birthday.

Lou and Ben, I LOVED my pictures! Ben, Thank you for including my fort in the picture. Lou, I miss swimming in the sea with you!!

My dad made me this really cool thing for my birthday that has a flag of every country i've been to. Pretty awesome.

AND my friend Barb got Travis Outlaw (A trailblazer) to sign a photo and it says "to emily, travis outlaw" great present!! AND i got a blazers blanket from my brother. Good birthday!

And my mommy sent me sunflowers to remind me of France and looked all over the US to see if the sell Desperados. They don't :(

Good bye for now!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Me and My Housemate Ashley, outside our house!

We went on a hike yesterday:

Princess Day: (For you Lou Lou!!!!)
Take Care!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hello Sherwood Family!!!!

First off, I LOVE MY IPOD!!!! Basically it is the best. And I have removed my roommates Ipod from her Ihome and put mine on. In that picture you can see the color we painted one of our walls. It's pretty great! Next week is my big 21st birthday. Pretty exciting!
Also, I was driving around today in the boonies of Spokane and found a roundabout! and it felt like I was driving back in France!
I've been having a lot of fun telling people about my summer. It's still close enough to the beginning of the year when people say "how was your summer?" And I am the only one that can say I LIVED IN FRANCE!
Your family has made it up in a couple picture frames in my room. I miss you guys a lot a lot. Maybe I will try calling soon! I don't really know how to do that, but I will figure it out.
And, my friend Paul is buying a TUAREG! I told him it was a great car. As long as he didn't want to sell it to anyone in France :)
Anyways, I hope you are doin well, wanted to send you this picture!
Lou's birthday is coming up! I'm pretty excited to go shopping for her present!!
I feel like a real Sherwood because I miss you guys so much.