Wednesday, August 25, 2010

gaga and baby

Lots of fun was had at Gagaust! It was a weekend full of camping, smores, lady gaga, pet parades, crazy shopping adventures, the capital building, drives, massage circles and occasional icing of me and Analisa vs. Keith and Jimmy:)

It was so fun to be back over there. Loved spending time with Liana Kathy and Ron. And Mercedes and Simba to of course.

Analisa, Keith and I had a wonderful drive back, where we made stops at Kachess Lake, the "wild" metal horses, George, Washington, icecream, starbucks and more.

Came back from a wonderful weekend, and at 330 am Monday morning, 4 hours before I arrived to work, #7 Baby Bill was born. Within 5 minutes of being at the farm, I was up on the hill sitting with Baby. He is completely precious and my new bestie. I kind of feel special, because Licorice (baby's mom) trusts me with her calf. I can sit there for hours with him and she lets me without concern, where as if anyone else approaches baby, Licorice has him out of there in seconds. Probably because i spent 990000 hours sitting wiht licorice during her pregnancy. I have been working hard to get Baby to drink milk since he ins't getting a lot from Licorice. However, he wont drink from the bottle, or the bucket, or the bowl, or from the tube... only off my fingers... so, I sit. dipping my fingers in milk as he sucks it off hahahah. I'm a lost cause people.

Tomorrow night, Kristine and Paul are having this guy over for dinner who they are trying to set me up with haha. he is a REAL cowboy. we'll see how that works.

Anyways, here are some pictures of baby. The new love of my life.

Yesterday for Addy's birthday we got to go up in the tower at the airport... so intense. we got to go to the very top where all the guys are directing the planes in, and we got to go into the radar rooms and everything. SO much going on in there!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

a 6 year old told me to "stay classy" today.

so it has basically been forever since I have updated this.

No internet still, so the library it is! However, i finally upgraded and got a new phone, which conveniently sends me all my emails :) So i'm able to keep up on job openings and random facebook comments :)

I spent an AMAZING weekend in Portland last weekend. Team Baylis had just about 36 hours together, but they were amazing. I spent Friday with the Sherwoods (the family I lived with in France). That was so much fun. We went out to lunch and on a "stroll" got coffee, and went shopping. It was like a time warp. it felt 100% that I was living with them again and it was just a normal outing for us. My mom said that's how I know they will be forever friends. 2 years of just emailing and it felt completely normal and wonderful to be with them. my little lou lou has grown up so much, and ben is the same sweet, lego loving boy.

Dad and I were able to have our sushi date, mom and i were able to have our nordstroms date, team baylis had a few bbqs, all accompanied me to the airport, along with smores night, shooting stars night and many more adventures. I love you guys.

Tomorrow I leave for GAGA!!!!!!!!!! Keith and I are heading to the airport where we will be met by Analisa, with Lindsay and Jimmy not far behind! So excited for a reunion with them.

Licorice still has not calved, but Addy and I had a scare today when something was coming out... hahah. just a fluid, I wont go into too many details, but I have read the "raising beef cattle" book 3 times now, focusing especially on the delivering calf section. I don't know if "proud" is the word im looking for, but I can properly label all parts of a cow, as well as all the fluids and steps of calving... is that weird?

Tuesday is Addy's 7th birthday, so Kristine and I have been planning her "7 fun things to do when your 7." It is starting at 7 am and will end at 7 pm. I love my girls. It will be a fun day.

Addy and I went on the carousel today down town. I alwasy get way more excited about things than she does and she always has to tell me to not make a scene, and "stay classy"

Visited Sean and Matt last night (our old manager/downstairs apt neighbors). It was good to see them, they moved literally a street away, where Sean is now managing different real estate.

What else?

I don't know. But it's just about time for me to print my boarding pass and head to walmart to pick up a few things (sorry mom and dad).

Much Love.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keith and I made the most wonderful dinner last night!
We made an asian beef stir fry which was wonderful, and also finished off Paco (our 20 pound watermelon).

No calf again today. Bummer.
We spent the morning at the Dairy. Mike and Trish at Spokane Family Farm (you can get their milk at Rosauers, yes i'm promoting it) are wonderful and know us pretty well now! Addy: 6, Syd:8, Cole:2, Noah:4 (their two sons) and I ran around their farm for quite a while. They have pigeons, chickens, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys. Needless to say, lots of fun. The two boys are very rough and tough but cute as can be. The girls and I go every week to the dairy to get our milk for the week, so they know us pretty well. Pretty cool that they let us just do whatever.

TOMORROW I GET TO GO HOME!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. Mom and dad didn't come up last weekend, so i'm excited to see them and brother and the animals. And my Sherwoods are here!! And i'm getting a new phone. Should be good.

Still applying for jobs and such.

Anyways, that's about all I have. at 6:15 I am printing off my boarding pass. That is in 3 minutes. better go get a spot at the library printer station.

Much love

Monday, August 9, 2010

Well, here I am.
Sitting at the Spokane Public library. Using the internet. Typical.
I am sitting here along a window, and this tiny little child runs up with a huge chapter book, so I ask him if he wants to sit down in the chair next to me. He opens the book upside down and pretends to be reading it. Probably the cutest thing ever.

Thoughts of the day:

1. I got my haircut today. Olya is legit and does the best haircuts.

2. Spent an hour at Starbucks before the ol' hair cut appt.

3. Licorice is way ready to have her baby/possibly babies. I went down every hour to check on her.

4. Keith and his friend AJ came to my farm yesterday to buck hay. I drove the tractor, they picked up 500 bales (60 lbs each). They are amazing and great workers. Even played tea party with my girls!

5. Going home on Thursday. So excited to see team Baylis, the Sherwoods and maybe some other folks.

6. I miss Analisa. The apartment is lonely.

7. Summer is almost over. My girls are almost going back to school.
Addy is almost 7.

8. I don't have a job.

9. Addy and Syd finally found out about "ebay." Keith kept calling me it at lunch and addy turns to her dad and says... "dad....who is EBAY??????"

That is licorice in the top pic. me doin my thing on the tractor in the second.

much love.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's official.....

...Sean and Matt have moved out. Gucci, shoulder shrugs, Ski Goggle Extreme Motorsports and illegal fish will no longer be a part of our lives. No, I was not too attached to our landlord and his roommate who lived in the apartment below Analisa, but the reason for this introduction is that...our free internet left along with their wild 3 am parties, whistles from below our balcony, and countless invitations to come "chill." Upon returning from 12 Garage Sales, a trip to Target, Goodwill and T.J. Maxx, I arrived home to see a Comcast van in front of R apartment. The green wireless icon was no longer present on my desktop, no matter which corner of each room, closet or bedroom I tried to go to, to "borrow" the internet from another neighbor. Well, I did not succeed. Luckily, my beloved Starbucks never lets me down, so with my treat receipt in hand, I arrived to yet again find free internet.

So here I am, accompanied by a grande ice water and vanilla bean frappacino, (already got my iced grande no whip mocha today) a stack of overdue thank you notes, and my trusty headphones, that only work in the left ear.

I had a fun week with my girls. We had a kitchen extravaganza yesterday afternoon. I made 2 batches of lasagna, while the girls "experimented" making crazy kitchen concoctions, many of which are the typical child recipes of hot sauce, brown sugar and what ever else they can get their hands on... but they did have two successes, one in testing at what degree sugar melts (375) which led to the topping of creme brulee, as well as squeezing about 100 grapes to make "grape juice." I love my girls.

Tomorrow morning at 6 am, Keith, his friend and I are going to my farm to help Paul bale the hay. Well, it is already baled, but I will be driving the tractor from field to barn, while the boys load it up. It will be an experience none the less, but the boys seem to be excited about it. HAHA. Hopefully Licorice will have had her calf so I can play while the boys work. Of course.

Muchhhhhhhh love to you all.
Missing all my girls. I am officially the only one of the corner house girls in Spokane this weekend. Em will be back soon, Analisa on the 23rd, Joanna at the end of the weekendand Claire for 2 quick days before going to her real job in Seattle. Lindsay, Ande and Danika... you are missed lots by the old Spoke.

Peace out.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I haven't really felt like blogging lately.

We (corner house girls +me) had a wonderful weekend in Seattle, celebrating Lindsay's birthday. But I think everyone who reads this was present, so I won't elaborate.

My dear Analisa left me today to spend a few weeks with her family, so i'm holding down R apartment. Come visit :)

I had a wonderful day today with my girls. No huge scenes were made, no animals escaped, no one got attacked by anyone or anything. We spent the morning at Green Bluff and picked some raspberries, apricots and cherries. We also enjoyed some huckleberry icecream and apple pie! After Greenbluff, we came back to R apartment to have lunch (Em and Analisa were here for a bit too, which my girls loved) and then me and my little loves went swimming at our pool. Overall, it was a fun day.

Tomorrow I have paperwork/security/training meetings down at the SPokane Public School office downtown to get 100% in the clear to substitute, in case no jobs come through!

This weekend I am helping my farm move some hay (i'll be driving the tractor).

The weekend after that I am going to Portland to visit the family I lived with in France. They are in town!

The weekend after that is GAGA!!!!! Lindsay, Analisa, Jimmy, Keith and I will enjoy the pet parade and Lady Gaga in Tumwater/Tacoma!!!!

August is lookin good!
