Sunday, July 25, 2010

A fun weekend was had by all!

( I hope!!!!)

: Friday night after we were all home from work/school/etc, a group of girls went to El Sombrero (where Kaylee works) for a little Mexican food extraveganza. While eating, my phone starts to ring, and it's the farm. I think this is a little odd so I run outside (my phone only works on speaker... let's stay classy now) and Kristine tells me that a calf was born on Friday. We didn't know a cow was born.. I had expected it but they told me no one was prego! So, needless to say, my mind was unfocusable. All I could think of was my new calf. How weird am I? After dinner, Claire, Liana, Analisa and I went and saw Despicable Me. It was honestly the cutest/best animated I have seen in ages. I laughed and cried. many times. TYpical.

: Analisa and I have taken a new liking to Garage Saleing, so after driving through starbucks, we headed out and bought:
A bunch of hangers (I was all out), a huge frying pan (we had a small and medium already) as well as:

All for $11!!!! How great is that? The world clock will go in one of our travel rooms, and the African painting will obviously go in our Africa room.

After many garage sales, and getting lost many times, we went to get our sweet Liana. We hoped to go floating the river, but Spokane has run out of tubes evidently. So we settled for the pool. This was a lot of fun though because we had: Liana, Emily, Claire, Joanna, Zach, Jimmy, Mike, Joel and Niall over. We had a fun game of football/catch/keepaway in the pool.

We all went our seperate ways for a while, and then everyone (plus Keith) joined us later that evening! (See Analisa's facebook album)

Sunday: I have started watching the horses again. This time for 2 weeks! Em and Claire wanted to see the horses, and also I wanted to run over and see the baby calf, so I showed them my 2 farms, and they got to meet the family I work for. Then we went to church, got subway after and spent a bit of time by the pool! I finished another book today, and started another one immediately after. I am on my 5th Jodi Picoult book. House Rules, Plain Truth, Nineteen minutes, The Pact, and now i'm reading Second Glance.

Well folks, that's all i've got for you today..
I hope you have a wonderful week, enjoy the sun, don't forget your sunscreen (i'm serious).

Much love,

Friday, July 23, 2010

I had a wonderfully amazing Friday.

Here is a little play by play of my day.

7:45am Arrive at the farm. Kristine (the mom) didn't want to go to work today, so she didn't! The girls slept in forever, so she and I made pancakes, ate them. Went out to garden, came back in for more pancakes, chatted, the girls woke up, we had more pancakes. Then the four of uswent to Walmart, Starbucks and back home for pizza. The we all did a little cleaning, baking, and farming. I spent some great time with Chantel... my favorite cow if you havent been following... changed the baby chicks pen... collected eggs...and then it was 3:00! Kristine gave me a blender for R apartment, and a couple of steaks to BBQ this weekend!! Then after work I went and visited the horses.


I feel like this summer is really good for me. I'm growing a lot and doing a lot of things out of my comfort zone, like transporting 24(one died) baby chicks from crate to crate while they are flapping their wings. There is no way on earth I would have done that prior to this summer. I'm learning that things need to be done, and I sometimes am the one that has to do it. Even though I know about responsibility, being the only adult on the farm most of the time (except when Kristine plays hookie :) ) I have a lot of responsibilities that cannot be ignored.

I feel on top of the world. Love the farm. Love the sun. Liana is here visiting. The weekend holds great promise.

Much love

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Upon my arrival into Portland a week ago, I was met with the unpleasant scene of traffic. Well folks, I'm here to tell you, that near or far, city or country, there can be traffic.
I took my last turn before the dirt road where I spend my everyday, only to find this:

Yes those are horses. Yes, I took a picture while driving. No it was not unsafe because, we didn't move for a while. I had to laugh, because what else was there to do? I could not move these horses. I later found out they had escaped their yard a few hours earlier, and were still wandering around when some people figured out how to take them home. I love my adventures.

Tonight, Analisa and I had Keith over for dinner. It was wonderful fun, and after a great meal, headed over to the school to play basketball and swing. Just getting home, I am pleased to say it was a wonderful day and night and I am excited to see what tomorrow holds.

Much love.
Laugh when the horses cross the street in front of you. There is nothing you can do, so find joy.

Monday, July 19, 2010

While I was babysitting tonight, the kids and I were playing in the front yard. While I was making a fool of myself rolling down the grass hill with my kiddos, in the yard next door sat/scootered 6 middleschool or highschool kids. I couldn't tell. 3 boys, 3 girls. It was so funny to watch them awkwardly interact with each other. The other day when Analisa and I were at the pool, a group of middleschool girls showed up and their conversations were astounding. I am so glad I am over that stage of my life. A few days later, when we were back to the pool, a few young moms told us how lucky we were to have our bodies, and be able to lay around reading a book with out having to watch a bunch of kids, that we had birthed too young.

I just feel so happy with the place I am in life right now.
I have no prospective job opportunities right now, but i'm having the time of my life running around the farm, decorating mine and Analisa's apartment, and buying plane tickets to go see Lady Gaga with three wonderful friends. I can build a fairy house with Addy, then a few hours later talk with a favorite professor about the opportunity of teaching in Tanzania.

We have all made fun of our beloved Analisa for getting emotional and saying "we are so luckyyyyy" but truth is, she's got it down. We are so lucky. I have amazing friends, a supportive family, strong communities here and at home, and passions and dreams that no one can stop.

My challenge for myself is to enjoy. It is so easy to get frustrated when the 2 year old has learned to climb out of her crib and does so every 5 minutes, just because she can. Or when the bridge over the falls is closed and you have to take a detour. But i'll tell you. When you look in that baby's eye and she says "I love you Miss Emily" It's worth the frequent trips off the couch, as you try to keep posted on Ali's life, whether she will choose Chris or Roberto.

Enjoy tomorrow. Find the joy in inconvenience.
Much love.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

in this here today gone tomorow life we're living in....

What a wonderful weekend I had.

On Saturday, I started off the day by spending some quality time with the girls down by the pool, making yet more friends with moms and their kids. Just wait, Analisa are going to be the Prarie babysitters. After a few hours of swimming, Claire and I went to meet Felicia and Amy at Costco for a Hawaii reunion. Having just gotten out of the water, wearing my swim suit and smelling like sunscreen, it was the perfect day for a hawaii date. You see, when the four of us (and Dana) were in Hawaii, we would frequently make a trip to Costco around dinner time to get pizza and icecream, as it was the most reasonably priced food on the island. It was great to catch up with the girls. After that, Analisa and I went Garage Saleing, where we made a purchase of: a paper towel rack. Big purchase I know. $1. And it even is maroon, which matches our color scheme. Then, for a few hours we decorated, made our signature meal (shrimp and asparagus, which our dinner dates for the week will both be experiencing) then Joseph came over for some great conversation. What a great friend he is.

On Sunday, Analisa and I started the day (of course) with two iced grande no whip mochas, and headed to the corner house to meet Em and Claire for church, which today was at the community college football field, where we had a church picnic and worship service. It was lovely. After church, Joseph, Claire, Analisa, Em and I went and floated the river, one of our new favorite past times, and Claire, a first timer, did great!!! So proud of her. After a few hours of decorating and organizing R apartment, the crew had a BBQ.

I feel so blessed to have the friends I have, and the life that I am able to live. I could not be happier with where I am right now and the opportunities I have been given this summer.

Much love.

Friday, July 16, 2010

I became a mother of 25 today.

What did I do at work today?
Well let me tell you, at the farm, things don't ever really go quite as planned. It was planned that when I arrived to work at 7:45, the girls would be up and ready and the girls, their mom and I would head over to Nordstroms! Well, at 3:30 am their chicks arrived for Texas, so with a 5:30am phone call, she told them we would be there by 8:30. So off we went to go pick the chicks up from the post office. 25 of them.

We did make it to Nordstroms, had breakfast, shopped for a couple hours, and had lunch. The Cafe manager LOVES us. Anyways, we then had to go to Aslin-Finch (a farm pet/seed store) where we got everything we needed. The manager thought it was hilarious that I was going to be the ones raising the chicks this summer, and gave me a entitled: "managing your small flock."

Now for those of you who don't know. I hate birds. They terrify me. But when I was given the assignment of raising these chicks this summer, I fell in love. Addy, Syd and I created a pen for the chicks, and named each and every one of them.

I know you probably don't believe me, but I can name half of them just with a glance. My favorite is Martin. He is Black with white tipped wings and a yellow tipped beak. We also have Owly, Leopard, Algae, Mr. and Mrs. Owie. Bitey, Bully and Meany, Witch, Fluffy, hmmm who else? Little guy and leg breaker. That's all I can remember right now. Don't judge me. I'm a farm girl.

Much love.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

PIcture post!!!!

Here is my last month in pictures
(Inspired by Lindsay's last week in pictures, minus the fact that I am way behind)

We went to CDA to celebrate the Fourth of July.

My girls and I earned pedicures at the Davenport for doing farm work.

Analisa and I moved into R apartment

I went home, and caught some wonderful Portland sunsets.

Had a nice visit with aunt Dorie (3 generations of mom's side girls)

Graduation party pictures!!

Much love.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I spent last fourth of July at the Timm family ranch. Amy Timm has been a good friend of mine since freshman year of highschool. She has a wonderful family and she is one of the few people I stay connected with from my shaky highschool years. Each fourth of July, Amy and her brother Austen make a country CD. I got to see Amy this weekend and she gave me the newest "God Bless Amuhrica" CD, which accompanied me on my drive back to Spokane. One song imparticular (track 2) has been constantly in my mind. It's called Love Like Crazy, by Lee Brice.

The chorus says:

Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse I Love You
Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense
Never let your prayin knees get lazy
And love like crazy

I think we too often forget how quickly our time can be taken away from us.

While at home I read a quite depressing Jodi Picoult book (the two seem to be synonymous to each other) about a school shooting. The book rocked my world in a way I can't explain.

This morning there was a massive car accident at the intersection of Analisa and my apartment, and when I drove by later and saw the remains of a few demolished cars, I was quickly reminded of how precious time is.

A group of us just graduated college. We are in a whole new place in our lives, and I just am constantly reminded how blessed I am and to not take things in my life for granted.

Tomorrow I return to the farm. To my girls, to my cows, and to a silent peace that is impossible to be found in the city.

I have had a wonderfully relaxing week off from work. Spent today at the pool and starbucks, followed by tutoring, cooking dinner and cookies with Analisa, and watching So you think you Can Dance? With Claire, Analisa and Joseph. He is a trooper.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow.
Much love.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Portland Visit!

Upon my arrival back to Spokane, I was quickly told that I have not been keeping up my blog to the standard of those viewing. So, here I am. Sitting on my bed, in R apartment, listening to music with my bestie. While I'm not exactly sure where I last left off, I do have an exciting weekend to write about!

After helping pack and prepare my girls for their week vacation to Canada in a motorhome, I began my week long vacation from running cattle and playing mermaid. The sun was shining so I thought it was only appropriate to spend a little R&R time by our pool, with old housemates from both the corner and better houses.

By Friday, I was all sunned up and ready to begin my journey to the 503 to visit team Baylis. After a quite pleasant drive through the Columbia Gorge, I was met 30 miles outside of Portland with the reminder of city life. Having lived in Spokane for four years now, I am always reminded of real city traffic just about after Gresham. So, after going 20 mph in a 65 zone for about 25 minutes, I arrived into Torreyview, and was greeted by Dad himself, grooming the front yard. A quick hello to Charley Baylis was quite necessary before Dad and I hopped in BABS (dad's car) and took a journey to Costco. Now after almost getting kicked out of QFC (our local market in PDX) on my last journey home, we weren't sure what fellow shoppers of Costco on a hot, Friday afternoon would encounter. We did pretty well until we passed the Smoothie machine sample when dad found it necessary to shout "WHAT is this? the country FAIR?????" After many laughs we found ourselves in the check out lane, with more alcohol and meat than anyone may need.

Saturday was the big day. Now that A.J and I are both graduated, it was time for a little Torreyview lovin party time. Now anyone who doesn't know my neighborhood needs to know that the elite group of us who hang out, have been together for 20 years, in fact Team Baylis is celebrating our anniversary of keeping Portland weird this recent July. Anyways, our neighborhood is wild and we are family. So, Saturday consisted of cleaning, cooking, and shopping for the party on Sunday.

The party was a hit, spent some wonderful time with neighbors and family, even Aunt Dorie (84) was able to make it. Torreyview was successful in our consumption of all our costco purchases... some more than others... :)

Monday Mom day.
Mom had to take care of some things for a few clients on Monday, so we went into the travel agency for a few hours. Now, I have grown up with that being mom's work, since she quit nursing a few years after we moved here. However, when I walked into the agency kitchen (where there was always licorice present during my childhood) I did not expect to find a picture frame collage which I was present in. My mom's boss and I are the same age and have grown up together. When ever I go home, I am amazed how many communities I am a part of and have grown up in. Anyways, after mom got her work done, we headed over to our favorite French bakery in Lake oswego for lunch, followed by a favorite place of mine: the Columbia Sportswear outlet, where I have without fault, bought a jacket the last 4 visits. By 7 pm, team Baylis was reunited back at home, and after much deliberation, decided we wanted sushi for dinner, so we found ourselves, in our favorite booth, at marinepolis, where a majority of the sushi chefs speak Spanish. Gotta love Beaverton ;)

Today, was my last day home. It was a quick weekend, but well worth it. I have a wonderful family and I am so blessed by the relationships I have with each of them. We ended my time by meeting dad between meetings, for lunch at an old, restored "haunted" theater for lunch.

I love you team Baylis.

Thursday, I return to the farm.

Until then,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I am quite happy with where my life is at right now.
Today I floated the Spokane river with 3 of my great friends. The sun was shining, and the journey ended with a subway sandwich. What could be better?
Analisa and I are all moved into R apartment (we are in building R so we decided the name was appropriate). We love it here. We had a bit of a scare when the boys under us were quite loud one night, but after many apologies and a bottle of wine, we all became friends and they assured us it won't be happening again. I get to go home on Friday and spend a wonderful weekend plus 2 days with my wonderful family in my wonderful Portland.
What could be better?