I am back from Tanzania. Life has been crazy since coming back to the states. Jumping back into school and a very busy semester. But, here are some pictures from Tanzania. A basic overview, we were there for 3 weeks, stayed in various hotels and hostels and home stays. We stayed in the city, and in very rural villages. It was excellent. Very challenging but very good.
Here is a picture of me with some lions :)

This is a picture of me at one of the orphanages we worked at. (Samaritans Village, Arusha, Tanzania)

We rode camels... if you can zoom into my face you should. I was terrified.

This was one of my host families that I stayed with for 5 days. No water, no electricity@

Here is me at Mt. Kilimanjaro National Park!

At the orphanage.

Me with my class I taught at my host mom's school.

Pulling maggots out of the rice at the orphanage. haha.

oh just me and a giraffe!

Miss you Sherwoods!