It was so fun to be back over there. Loved spending time with Liana Kathy and Ron. And Mercedes and Simba to of course.
Analisa, Keith and I had a wonderful drive back, where we made stops at Kachess Lake, the "wild" metal horses, George, Washington, icecream, starbucks and more.
Came back from a wonderful weekend, and at 330 am Monday morning, 4 hours before I arrived to work, #7 Baby Bill was born. Within 5 minutes of being at the farm, I was up on the hill sitting with Baby. He is completely precious and my new bestie. I kind of feel special, because Licorice (baby's mom) trusts me with her calf. I can sit there for hours with him and she lets me without concern, where as if anyone else approaches baby, Licorice has him out of there in seconds. Probably because i spent 990000 hours sitting wiht licorice during her pregnancy. I have been working hard to get Baby to drink milk since he ins't getting a lot from Licorice. However, he wont drink from the bottle, or the bucket, or the bowl, or from the tube... only off my fingers... so, I sit. dipping my fingers in milk as he sucks it off hahahah. I'm a lost cause people.
Tomorrow night, Kristine and Paul are having this guy over for dinner who they are trying to set me up with haha. he is a REAL cowboy. we'll see how that works.
Anyways, here are some pictures of baby. The new love of my life.

Yesterday for Addy's birthday we got to go up in the tower at the airport... so intense. we got to go to the very top where all the guys are directing the planes in, and we got to go into the radar rooms and everything. SO much going on in there!