In my last post, I mentioned Analisa had left for Tanzania, well she is back in the states and will be back to R apartment tomorrow! I have learned a lot about myself the past month, livin solo in Spokane. And while I CAN do it, and COULD do it, I have no desire to ever live in this city through another winter, especially if it were by myself, ever again. I had great company though. Bill and Keith came over for weekly, some times more frequent, for dinner, which now requires corn bread at all meals.

School has been going well, my kids are FINALLY back in the swing of things. The first couple weeks after returning from winter break were ROUGH. Felt defeated many times, have lost 3 more students, and possibly another one on Monday. But this week for the first time I felt like they started to remember our routines and put them back into practice. They just make me so proud. It's such a weird concept having to teach them compassion, helpfulness, things that most kids learn from home, that these kids just aren't getting. My favorite quote of the week? "Ms. Baylis... is it okay to use the word nipple in kindergarten??" Now, I couldn't figure out why that would ever be in context, but I calmly told them: Nope, that's not a kindergarten word, thanks for asking! We are a little family and I love them so much.
My curiosity for where next year might take me, continues to be on my mind, but I trust God has a plan, and while I can think about and start to take action on some thoughts, I don't have to make any decisions today, tomorrow, or in the next few months for that matter. It's still looking like Seattle or Kona btw.
That's enough reading for one day!!