Let's see. Yesterday we spent another nice day in Nice. I'm beginning to recognize my way around a bit more now. Walked around a bit, then for the evening, Lou and I spent a couple hours at the beach! Today Lou and I played at home. We did 20 puzzles, played a Dora card game for HOURS and colored probably 30 coloring pages. Lou and Ben have taught me a lot of French. My vocabulary consists of words like... I want, I need, I am, those types of things, plus colors, numbers, general hello thank you good bye greetings, and any word you could think of that would relate to Dora or coloring or any other game we play :)
I just tucked Lou into bed with a story. She kindly asked "would you like me to choose an english one?" I laughed and said si vous plait, but she denied that, so I read the diez little coccinelles (ten little ladybugs) in french. I suppose i'm improving a bit!
Overall, I love it here. I can't imagine a better family to be staying with. It is great getting to know them all better. Plus, looking at the Mediterranean Sea everytime I look out the window isn't horrible either :)
Tomorrow we go to Antibes!
Oh. Mom here are some pictures for you :)
A photo I took yesterday in Nice. ^
Me and Lou at the fountain in Nice. Place Massena.

My new twin :)
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