Things have been completely crazy. A week ago, Sydney and I left the farm for a quick minute to grab starbucks for ourselves and Kristine and Addy (we were all cleaning the house to prepare for dinner, where they tried to set me up with a real cowboy...) Anyways, while we were at Starbucks I had a voicemail, listened to it and it was the principal of the school I student taught at. She said she hoped I could come to an interview the next day (Friday) for a position that had just opened up in 3rd grader. Obviously I quicky accepted the interview slot. Was a complete disaster for the next 12 hours as I sat through a blind date hearing Bryce and Paul talk about cows... too extreme for me... as I panicked about the possibility of having a job.
The next morning, I was sitting in the Longfellow office with the principal and reading coach (both of whom I knew very well). The interview went great, felt very comfortable and successful. Went back to the farm for a few hours, and on my way home from the farm got a call saying I got the job. Within 24 hours I had been called for an interview, had the interview, and had the job. It was now Friday afternoon and I started training on Monday morning at 8 with the district.
Mind you, I have been in a 3rd grade class for one hour since my years of being a 3rd grade student. I panicked the whole weekend and made endless trips to target, walmart (shh mom and dad) and many garage sales trying to find some 3rd grade supplies and books, mind you I had never seen 3rd grade curriculum.
Monday: Training 8-3 with all new certificated teachers in the district. 330-8 my first time in my classroom, frantically trying to get something together. Here is a before picture of my classroom, about 1 hr into my "organizing" the furnin\ture:
This poster welcomed me when I came in:
Tuesday: In school staff training 8-3. Everyone was SO welcoming to me. I knew everyone already, from student teaching there, but it was such a wonderful feeling seeing my name on the new staff list, seeing my name on my mail box and having every one tell me they were SO glad I was picked for the position.
Honestly, I couldn;t have done it without my fellow staffmates. Everyone gave up so much of their time to come check on me, help me rearrange, make sure I had everything I need. My principal is amazing, and I have the best teachers surrounding me and encouraging me, acknowledging I am in a rough spot and how great i'm doing.
My position is a substart position, which basically means I may not have a job after next week. Since it was so last minute, and they couldn't post the position online, they couldn't technically hire a new teacher, so i am a 'sub start' and if a teacher in another school who is contracted loses their position b/c of lack of enrolement, or wants to transfer to my school, they can take my position.
We are all hoping this doesn;t happen, but regardless, I am not in control and it has been an amazing opportunity and experience. I know I can start a classroom in a few days, and make it through the first week of school.
Thursday my kids came, and they are amazing. The whole third grade is a pretty awesome group, but obviously mine are the best :)
By Friday they didn't want to do get to know you and fun activities all day, they wanted to LEARN! They are an ambitious group and I love them for that.
Even if I only have them through next Friday, they have made me proud already and I know they will all be successful.
Here is a picture of my class that I took before school started. It is more decorated now, my kids helped me with that :)
I can't believe your whirlwind of a story. Congrats sweetie. I love how you are already a proud mama duck! Your classroom looks official! yay : ) Oh, whatever happened with the cowboy!?!!?
cowboy was way too cowboy. haha. nice guy but not my style.
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