Analisa and I celebrated our 47th princess day this past Wednesday. The boys have quickly learned to acknowledge this day as well. I am so lucky to have the friends I have to celebrate everyday with.
The big event of the week was getting my wisdom teeth out Friday morning. For the past week or so I have been in a lot of pain, combined with limited ability to open my jaw, which put a damper on one of my favorite pastimes, eating. So regardless of my extreme fear of anything medical, I took drugs which did messed up things to my body, got shots, and survived a surgery. I owe a big thanks to Keith for driving me, getting me all settled, and taking care of everything I need. And of course my wonderful roommate for bringing apple sauce and home made mashed potatoes to me at my beckon call.
My kindergartners continue to amaze me with their comments and actions. A few good ones from the week:
"I'm going to make this picture for my mom, cuz I think she gonna ground me"
Reading a book about a mean character.... "Wow... he is even meaner than us!!!"
One thing I love about 5/6 year olds is their eagerness to please, and that you can convince them anything is cool. After battling all year with a always perfect always quiet line, I made up a new game. If no one talks/hops/plays/pulls things off walls, the whole way to our destination (usually about 100ft) they get a point. If they mess up, I get a point. At the end of the day if they have more points they get more center time. If I have more points, I take away centers time. Little do they know, we do centers from 2:10-2:35 everyday, regardless of how they did in the hall. I love them.
I can't believe it is already March. This month is a huge assessment month in the school world, so that is a bit stressful, but on the 19th-21st I get to go home, followed by SPRING BREAK the first week of April!
We can make it people!!