Monday, November 15, 2010

I am back from a much needed vacation to sunny california, and have returned to good old spokane. Thankful it is not snowy!! It is great to be back in R apartment with my lovely Analisa, and was so good to be back with my kids today. Missed them! I have such a hard time leaving them!

I've been a bit homesick lately, and am so excited to go to Portland next Wednesday. My one question phone conversation quickly turns into a 45 minute chat with my parents. I love them so much. So lucky to have parents that are my friends and support me.

Had a fun day at kindergarten, one of the other teachers had a birthday and brought chinese food in for us four K teachers. I LOVE my team so much. They are incredible.

Well, it's 835 and I just decided to make potatoes. Healthy life choice? no. Delicous? yes. living the dream.


Lindsay J said... should honk as you drive through the T.C. Either that or go out to Mexican food with me.

emilybaylis said...

dude i'm crashing at your house Dec. 17th remember??