We went out to dinner last night with Candace (and Mike, a friend of hers from work who is a friend of ours now...or shall I say...of Amy :) Anyways, Candace ended up crying through the last part of dinner because I am leaving. She and I have had such a special bond. Of course, I started crying too, and when Felicia sees me cry, she starts crying, so half a table of girls are just in tears and poor Mike just doesn't know what to do.
There is the group (minus Mike)
Today was just a whirl wind...
First off, Candace had to wait about 20 minutes outside the classroom because she was crying too much. Our friend Jacob helped her get through it (one of the guys we went out with Saturday night) Bennett, one of my two boys that I work with everyday, wasn't here today, which was a blessing/devestation. I really wish I could have said bye to him, but I probably would have been more of a wreck if I had to say bye to all three of my boys. Saying bye to Freddy was really rough. I could tell he was really upset, and he was dreading me leaving. He was back to being bye my side and acting like he didnt know how to do his work, thinking it would make me stay longer or something... I got about 50 hugs from Kainoa and Freddy. Kainoa CRIED. and was pretending that it wasnt because of me. but then he cracked. I wish I could show you these kids, but I dont want a law suit, so ask me later.
Rough rough day.
But, Hapuna beach tomorrow.
Much love.
I feel weird, like I'm going to end up living here. I LOVED living in France, loved living in Tanzania, but could never actually see myself living there. Hawaii, I feel like I belong here. Watch out mom and dad.