Today we are starting to get into more of a schedule. Now that we are in our final living space, it feels like we can get settled. Felicia and I are in one room, the other three are in the other. I woke up this morning COLD! which was a surprise. HAH. So, we wake up at 6, leave here about 645 and are at school til 2. Today however, the kids had a half day, so at 1 they left, and we had a teacher budget meeting until 2. After that, the five of us RUSHED home, got in our suits and screen and headed to the beach. It is at the old airport! It was soo nice. Ihave never in my life felt more relaxed. the breeze is wonderful. then we came home and made spaghetti!
At school today I got to know some of my kids a lot better. I was working with one little boy who has been in the US for 4 months and my teacher says he NEVER speaks and doesnt know much english, but he was speaking a LOT for me, and quite well... hm..... he is precious. he does fall asleep a lot though. I was waving his arms and he would NOT wake up. I eventually, no exageration had to PICK him up out of his seat andmake him stand and walk to wake up!!!
I don't have toooo much to say today. But yeah! Here are some pictures:
Me struggling to make it from the ocean back to my towel. thanks for capturing that claire:

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