I am sitting on a bed in Kona, with 4 fans on. I got in at about 5pm and it was 80 degrees!!
First let me tell you about my plane ride from Maui to Kona. I sat next to this Hawaiian couple and they spent the whole flight telling me the good places to go, and how to pronounce things and everything. They both had names that I would butcher if I tried to spell for you, but they were wonderful!
Our taxi man for the month is named Nel. He is legit. Surprisingly, not, I am the most outgoing of my group so they sent me to find Nel. So I found some of his fellow taxi freinds and they called him for me.
Mom- Nel was really impressed that I said my Tutu lived on Oahu.
The four of us girls who are here (Claire doesn't get in for another hour) went and took a walk around the town and went to Taco Bell for dinner. We were all SO hungry and tired from a day of travels and that sounded easiest. But look! It was a cultural experience!!

Then we went to the market (the "grocery store" for all of you non Baylises.) It's an interesting thing being here not as a tourist, but living semi like the locals, buying groceries and stuff. I think I will like it a lot better this way, yes we will do some touristy activities, but the schools are our main focus. We start tomorrow, no kids will be there but we are going to go meet our teachers and stuff and then explore the island in the afternoon!
More to come, but here is a picture of Felicia and I!

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